How to reduce your risk of diabetes By Dr. Manny Alvarez Diabetes is a huge problem in the United States today, and one that I don't believe is taken seriously enough. According to statistics by the International Diabetes Federation, 552 million people – that’s one in 10 adults – will have diabetes by 2030. If correct, that would be a jump of more than 200 million people with type 2 diabetes over two decades. The World Health Organization estimates that there are about 346 million people who suffer from the disease today. The projected rise is more due to aging that the obesity epidemic, the diabetes federation said, but we’ve also seen a rise recently in children and young adults developing diabetes. Twenty years ago, type 2 diabetes was virtually unheard of in people so young. The thing is, type 2 diabetes is still entirely preventable with certain lifestyle changes. I always preach to my patients th...