10 Personal Finance Tools That'll Put You in Control of Your Money
U.S. News
Posted 3:52PM 06/20/12 Posted under: Personal Finance
By Kimberly Palmer
A few years ago, Trevor Flannigan decided to start managing his
budget using the online tool Mint.com. The 20-something suspected he
could be
spending less money each month, but he needed help organizing his various credit, debit, and other
bank accounts. So he entered his nine accounts into the website and started tracking how much he spent.
The website now warns him when he approaches the limit of his monthly
budget in different categories, such as eating out. "When I see I
already spent x amount of dollars, I say, 'It looks like I'm having soup
for the last week of the month,'" says Flannigan.
Flannigan is among the thousands of consumers who have incorporated online
personal financial management
tools into their lives. While they have been around for years, only
recently have they started to really take off, with about 1 in 4
consumers using some kind of tool. "With the downturn causing more
financial headaches for people, they've become a lot more disciplined,
so they are turning to tools," says Ron Shevlin, senior analyst at the
research and advisory firm Aite.
A survey by Aite suggests that personal
tools actually change people's behavior, too. In a survey of people who
use such tools, 3 in 4 said they now have better control of their
finances. Two in 5 said they are saving more money, and 1 in 5 said they
are paying less in late fees.
Dozens of tools now exist, so how can you pick the best one for you? Here's an overview of 10 popular options:
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